“She smelled of books and stories, of all the worlds she’d lived within.”
– Erin Hanson
The Painting
The story of a painter’s muse who awakens to an unraveling scene as she separates truth from illusion.
Directed & Edited by Ale Vidal
Cinematography by Jacen Sievers
The Paperback Princess
A personal short film based on the poem "The Paperback Princess" by Erin Hanson. Set in Suffolk, England, Katie Davis envisioned the story of a young girl's becoming. The vision was further translated by India Hurst's set design and the captivating subject: Mary Siagie. Narrated by Katie's daughter Nora, we bring you a glimpse into The Paperback Princess.
"She didn't quite belong here.. lived a life within her head...." this reminded me of young Ale. Always living in her head. I think that's why this meant so much, because it spoke to something deep within me. I am such a strategist and there's a lot of hustle in me that was wearing me down the previous year. I began shedding myself of that in order to make room for the part of me that is curious and listens to her gut - even when the picture is a little gray at first. Open. Trusting. That's when I create my best work. Work that is meaningful.
Directed, Filmed, & Edited by Ale Vidal
The story of a statue who has been covered for years - suddenly comes to life. Based on the Enneagram Type “Four” song by Sleeping At Last, I wanted to depict the meaning behind the Enneagram 4’s yearning for significance and identity. When the fabric is removed, she seeks to rediscover who she was before she was covered; hidden and forgotten.
What stood out as a deep struggle for the Type 4 is the idea of significance… of being seen. I wanted to depict that by starting the story with the statue being covered and forgotten. In my mind, I imagined that she used to be admired and seen by many at a museum until one day, she was covered and left behind. In order to show the passing of time, DP Jacen Sievers had the idea to create the effect of “time-lapse” with moving light. Our set designer Lindsey Steed set the tone by centering our ballerina Juliet Doherty (who played the main ‘statue’) in the midst of other statues that faced her. All eyes on her.
Directed & Edited by Ale Vidal
Cinematography by Jacen Sievers
Love is a Losing Game
The story of a breaking marriage searching for their way back to each other, when love is lost.
This film is an invitation — to view love, marriage, relationships in a different way.
Teamed up with writer César Garcia, our hope was to illuminate truths that often go unshared and unexplored. Even if love is a losing game, we believe it’s one worth losing for - over and over again.
Directed & Edited by Ale Vidal
Cinematography by Jacen Sievers
The Heart Knows
The story of two soul mates and the memories that flood you right before walking down the aisle. Original narrative by Ivan Lizarde, created specifically for these visuals.
Directed, Filmed & Edited by Ale Vidal